Early registration now open for FIGO XXIII

Early registration now open for FIGO XXIII

Join ICI at the virtual FIGO Congress on October 3rd (Precongress Workshop) and Oct 21-28, 2021. Early registration is open now until September 8th.
ICI will hold its first full-day interactive workshop during the Precongress, featuring guest speakers from the International Confederation of Midwives and the White Ribbon Alliance. More speakers from ICI will be featured throughout the Congress.
Moi University Kenya offers training on the ICI 12 Steps

Moi University Kenya offers training on the ICI 12 Steps

Midwives and doctors attending the Moi University Kenya training on ICI

In October 2020, Moi University offered a three day training on the 12 Steps of ICI for the maternity staff of six local health centers. The training was based on an original curriculum that they developed with support from UNFPA Kenya and NEPAD Kenya. ICI is grateful for the enthusiastic response and initiative shown by the Moi University Department of Midwifery and Gender, and their leadership in advancing the twelve steps within the region.  Please contact ICI if your team is interested in receiving a copy of the Kenyan curriculum

Joining ICI Webinar presented to FIGO on Feb 3, 2021

Joining ICI Webinar presented to FIGO on Feb 3, 2021

On Feb 3, 2021 as part of FIGO’s (International Federation of Gynaecology and Obstetrics) current webinar series addressing various global women’s health issues, ICI presented a webinar that delves into the background and building blocks of the International Childbirth Initiative. The webinar highlights the levels of engagement possible for health care professional associations, educators, advocacy leaders, and others interested in active participation with ICI. If you are interesting in joining ICI, please view the webinar, “Joining the International Childbirth Initiative: and introduction for facilities and national OB/GYN and midwifery societies” here.

Dr Carlos Fuchtner, FIGO President makes commitment to implementing International Childbirth Initiative

Dr Carlos Fuchtner, FIGO President makes commitment to implementing International Childbirth Initiative

The delegates of FIGO World Congress in Rio de Janiero this week enjoyed an impressive beginning to the Presidency of Dr Carlos Fuchtner of Bolivia.

Maternal mortality was a major theme of his opening address when he highlighted the fact that 52% of maternal deaths are attributable to the three leading, and entirely preventable, causes of haemorrhage, sepsis and hypertensive disorders. Dr Fuchtner also addressed that 8% of maternal mortality can be attributed to unsafe abortion, before addressing the unmet need for access to family planning and the estimated costs of gender based violence in some countries runs from 1.2% to 3.7% of GDP.

Dr Fuchtner made the following commitments:

  • To lead FIGO to address issues of cancer preventions and treatment, infection and diseases, prematurity and non-communicable diseases.
  • To implement a strategy to prevent violence against women.
  • To change the perception that FIGO is strongly dominated by men. And to promote women to become FIGO leaders for all levels of the organisation.
  • To decrease maternal mortality due to PPH by implementation of PPH Bundles.
  • To implement ‘International Childbirth Initiative’
  • To make contraception available at low cost worldwide.
  • Making a strong commitment towards reducing unsafe abortion.

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FIGO Statement: The International Childbirth Initiative: 12 steps to safe and respectful MotherBaby–Family maternity care

FIGO Statement: The International Childbirth Initiative: 12 steps to safe and respectful MotherBaby–Family maternity care

The International MotherBaby Childbirth Organization (IMBCO) and the International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics (FIGO) joined forces, developing a single global initiative to provide guidance and support for safe and respectful maternity care. This work built upon their previous initiatives—the IMBCO ‘10 Steps to Optimal MotherBaby Maternity Services’1 and the FIGO ‘Guidelines to MotherBaby Friendly Birthing Facilities’2 —and incorporates the most recent evidence and insights relating to quality maternal, newborn and child health provision. It also reflects much of the work being carried out by organizations involved in maternal and newborn health throughout the world.

This initiative, ‘The International Childbirth Initiative (ICI): 12 Steps to Safe and Respectful MotherBaby–Family Maternity Care’ was launched in October 2018 during the FIGO World Congress in Brazil in a special side event with presentations from key partner organizations. ICI provides clear steps for the implementation of evidence-based maternity care worldwide, acknowledging the interaction between the MotherBaby dyad and the family environment as well as their interactions with health providers and systems. The term ‘maternity care’ refers to the entire scope of care provided by healthcare providers to women and babies during pregnancy, birth and the postnatal period.

Lalonde, et al, 2019 International Journal of Gynecology Obstetrics

The Giving Voice to Mothers study: inequity and mistreatment during pregnancy and childbirth in the United States

The Giving Voice to Mothers study: inequity and mistreatment during pregnancy and childbirth in the United States

Recently WHO researchers described seven dimensions of mistreatment in maternity care that have adverse impacts on quality and safety. Applying the WHO framework for quality care, service users partnered with NGOs, clinicians, and researchers, to design and conduct the Giving Voice to Mothers (GVtM)–US study.

This is the first study to use indicators developed by service users to describe mistreatment in childbirth in the US. Our findings suggest that mistreatment is experienced more frequently by women of colour, when birth occurs in hospitals, and among those with social, economic or health challenges. Mistreatment is exacerbated by unexpected obstetric interventions, and by patient-provider disagreements.

Read the study here by Saraswathi Vedam, et al – Reproductive Health 2019 16:77

Maternity services: women want respect and dignity above all else, finds global survey

Maternity services: women want respect and dignity above all else, finds global survey

A survey of 1.2 million women from more than half (114) of the world’s countries has found that the thing they most wanted from reproductive and maternal health services was to be treated with respect and dignity.1

After that requirement, the women, who were asked an open ended question about their health needs, said that they would like clean water, sanitation, hygiene, and adequate medicines and supplies.

Kristy Kade, deputy executive director of the White Ribbon Alliance, a US based international coalition of organisations aimed at decreasing maternal and newborn mortality, and co-chair of the What Women Want campaign, which conducted… read more

by Zosia Kmietowicz
BMJ 2019365 doi: https://doi.org/10.1136/bmj.l4107 (Published 07 June 2019)
BMJ 2019;365:l4107

Launching the International Childbirth Initiative (ICI)

Launching the International Childbirth Initiative (ICI)

A new initiative launched by the International Childbirth Initiative (ICI) at the XXII FIGO World Congress in Brazil provides comprehensive guidance and support for safe and respectful maternal care globally.

Endorsed by a growing number of health professionals, advocacy groups and educational institutions around the world, ‘12 Steps to Safe and Respectful MotherBaby-Family Maternity Care’ is a clear and unifying template for maternal and newborn health (MNH).

Building on ICI’s past work and cutting-edge evidence, the 12 Steps also reflect the best practice of organisations currently working in the field of MNH worldwide.

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